Click the 'Startup Organizer' on the toolbar.It will list all programs which automatically run when the system starts or a user logs in.
Add a new program
- You can add a new program to startup category using 'Add' button in the bottom.Also you can add a new program to startup category by right click mouse on the list and select 'Add' menu item.
- The Startup Organizer dialog will be displayed.
- Enter the name of the new program.
- Enter the path of the new program or select the path by click the button left the editbox.
- Select the startup category from the location combobox.
- Click on the 'OK' button.
Edit the selected program
- You can edit the selected program in startup category using 'Edit' button in the bottom.Also you can edit the selected program in startup category by right click mouse on the list and select 'Edit' menu item.
- The Startup Organizer dialog will be displayed.
- Change the name and path of the selected program.
- Click on the 'OK' button.
Delete the selected program
- You can delete the selected program in startup category using 'Delete' button in the bottom.Also you can delete the selected program in startup category by right click mouse on the list and select 'Delete' menu item.
- The confirmation dialog will be displayed to make sure you want to delete the selected progarm in startup category.
- Click on the 'Yes' Button.
- When a program is deleted from the list it remains on the hard disk and is not deleted physically. You will need to uninstall it to remove it from the hard disk.
Enable/Disable the selected program
If you want to keep the program in the list,but temporary enable/disable it from automatically starting,check/uncheck the program in the list or by right click mouse on the selected program and select 'Enable/Disable' menu item.
Find a program in startup category
In the Find field you can enter an entire program name (such as Microsoft Office), or only a part of the name (such as office); then just click on the 'Find' button to locate that program in the list
Open properties dialog of the selected program
You can open properties dialog of the selected program in startup category by double-click the selected program.Also you can open properties dialog of the selected program in startup category by right click mouse on the list and select 'Properties' menu item.
When you make changes to the current configuration, StartUp Organizer not save it immediately. For applying you must press 'Save Settings' button in the bottom.